The mouse model has become an irreplaceable model organism for biomedical research, which includes studying gene function and genetic factors of pathogenesis, establishing humanized disease models, and evaluating the safety and effectiveness of drugs under development. The rapidly growing branch of biomedical research known as translational medicine is aimed at the practical problems from clinical patients. A combination of molecular, cellular, and animal models in related basic and preclinical studies can help address the problems of translational research. Therefore, a major strategy of translational medical research is to combine the basic laboratory studies with the preclinical animal experimental research and rapidly move into clinical application.


This White Paper brings together multiple case studies, industry insights, as well as modern applications of mouse models that benefit many areas of biomedical research.


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Outline of Contents

  1. How to Use the Appropriate Mouse Model to Publish High-Impact Articles?
  2. Humanized Mouse Models – Introduction and Applications
  3. Introduction to Immunodeficient Mouse Models & BRGSF Spotlight


About Cyagen

In under 15 years since its founding, Cyagen has become a leading provider of custom mouse and rat models – delivering over 50,400 models to researchers worldwide and receiving over 3,600 peer-reviewed citations. Cyagen provides researchers from around the world with transgenicknockoutknockinconditional knockout models and also offers a comprehensive series of stem cell products for research use, including cell lines, media, and differentiation kits. From vector and strategy design to animal model creation, cryopreservation, and breeding, Cyagen offers complete outsourcing for all animal model needs.