Given your interest in and/or purchase from the Cyagen Knockout Catalog Models repository, we would appreciate your participation in a one-minute survey. Your feedback will be used to improve our catalog offerings.

In exchange for completing the brief survey, you will receive $2,000 credit towards a purchase from Cyagen Knockout Catalog.


● How important are the following factors in choosing an animal model supplier?

Factor Most Important ← → Least Important
1 2 3 4 5
Price *
Deliverables *
Turnaround time *
Strategy *
Genotyping report data *
Validation data *
Downstream CRO services
(e.g. breeding) *
Importation from foreign country *
IP Rights & Terms of Use *
Reviews/Recommendations *
Citations *


● Preferred Deliverables *

Deliverables Most Preferable ← → Least Preferable
1 2 3 4 5
3 hetero + 3 homo (random sex) *
2 pairs of homo + 2 pairs of hetero *
2 pairs of homo *
3 homo (random sex) *
2 pairs of hetero *
3 hetero (random sex) *


● Rank the factors used in marking a purchase from most important (1) to least important (5):

Factor Most Important ← → Least Important
1 2 3 4 5
Price *
Deliverables *
Turnaround time *
Reviews/Recommendations *
Citations *
Strategy *
Genotyping report data *
Downstream CRO services *
IP Rights & Terms of Use *


● What are the most important IP rights and terms of use to obtain for your research? *


● What improvements (if any) would you suggest for Cyagen Knockout Catalog Models?


● Additional Feedback/Comments:


Claim your $2,000 credit

● Check out the promotional code in your mailbox