In this exclusive guide, we explore how adeno-associated virus (AAV)-assisted conditional knockout rats and traditional Cre-LoxP rats can be complementary and mutually validating in vivo models.

Since the first targeted knockout (KO) rat was developed in 2010, significant progress has been made in their use as experimental model animals in basic research, drug screenings, and preclinical drug evaluations. Considering the advantages that rats provide for human disease research and recent advancements in gene editing among the species, conditional gene knockout (KO) rat models have quickly become an indispensable tool for biomedical research.

Cyagen is here to help researchers overcome technical difficulties faced in creating complex conditional KO rat models, as demonstrated by our development of these exclusive insights in addition to our Cre driver rat strain repository.

In this White Paper, Cyagen’s experts discuss the pros and cons of two approaches used in creating conditional rat models – Cre-Lox recombination and viral vector expression systems, such as adeno-associated virus (AAV) – to help guide their optimal use for your research plans.

Outline of Contents

  • Creating a Comprehensive Cre Repository
  • Developing Conditional Rats Using Cre-Lox Recombination
  • Developing Conditional Rats Using Viral Vector Expression Systems
  • Advantages of Adeno-associated Virus for In Vivo Gene Modification
  • Combining AAV with Cre-LoxP for Conditional Model Generation
  • Disadvantages of AAV-mediated Conditional Gene Editing

Fill out our brief form to receive your copy of this exclusive White Paper, “Conditional Rat Models for Human Disease Research,” and learn how to design the optimal conditional rodent models for your research.

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