Foxj1 KO Mice

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Product Number:C001265

Genetic Background: C57BL/6NCya

Reproduction:Heterozygote × Wild type

Strain Description

Foxj1 (forkhead-box J1), also known as hepatocyte nuclear factor-3 (HNF-3) or forkhead homologue-4 (HFH-4), is a member of the forkhead-box transcription factor family, a class of transcription factors with a winged helix structure that binds to DNA. The Foxj1 factor plays a major regulatory role in controlling the transcription process of motile cilia synthesis. Airway cilia quickly clear airway mucus by swinging, playing a role in resisting pathogen invasion. It also has an effect on the left-right axis asymmetry of organ development during the embryonic period. Studies have shown that Foxj1 KO mice exhibit left-right asymmetric development and airway ciliated epithelium is lost in adult mice. The heterozygous Foxj1 KO mice are viable, while the homozygous mice are lethal.


Foxj1 gene is located on chromosome 11 and Exon 2-3 was knocked out to obtain the Foxj1 KO Mice.

● Research on Kartagener syndrome;
● Research on primary ciliary dyskinesia.


[1] Stauber M, Weidemann M, Dittrich-Breiholz O, et al. Identification of FOXJ1 effectors during ciliogenesis in the fetal respiratory epithelium and embryonic left-right organiser of the mouse[J]. Developmental Biology, 2017, 423(2):170-188.