Strategies for Generating Humanized Models

➢Knock-in gene humanization by gene replacement or cDNA insertion

To create a gene knock-in to generate transgenics that ectopically express a mutant protein, then gene targeting mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells is typically performed. As proteins with a human amino acid sequence can have different biochemical characteristics from their mouse orthologs, transgenics have often been made with human cDNAs, and targeting has involved placing human coding sequences into the orthologous mouse gene. This strategy using coding sequences can result in a more accurate mouse disease model than working with a mutant mouse protein.

➢Whole gene humanization by bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenesis

Genomically humanized mice can also be achieved by bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenesis, inserting an entire human gene, including its regulatory elements, into the mouse genome. Cyagen’s TurboKnockout® platform combined with BAC technology brings genomically humanized mouse models - on an accelerated timeline. Inserting the entire human gene has increasingly shown improved success of translational research.

Advantages of TurboKnockout® Humanized Mice

Compared with CRISPR-Pro-based techniques, TurboKnockout® is free of patent disputes, provides precise models on a comparable timeline, and is the technology of choice among our clients performing drug development projects.

  • Freedom to Operate: Technology of choice for drug development projects
  • Success Rate: 100% guaranteed germline transmission (GLT)
  • Turnaround Time: F0 in as fast as 4 months
  • Large Fragment Knockin: Insert fragments up to 300 kb
  • Flexible Floxing: No size limitations for your floxed region
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee

Inquiries and Quote Requests

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