Tumor Mice and Other Hematologic System Research Models

The spontaneous tumor mouse model refers to immunocompetent mice that carry overexpression or activation mutations of oncogenes and/or the deletion or inhibitory mutation of tumor suppressor genes, either through natural mutations or artificial gene editing conditions—leading to the spontaneous formation of tumors in the body. The development process of these tumors takes place in situ within the complex tumor microenvironment. Compared to other tumor models, the molecular regulatory mechanisms and pathological mechanisms of these tumors are more similar to those occurring naturally, including the randomness of tumor development, early progression, and spontaneous tumor metastasis. This model better replicates the developmental process of human tumors and is suitable for studying the biological processes of tumor growth, evaluating immunotherapy models, and screening for anti-tumor treatment drugs in preclinical research and development.

Our Biopharmaceutical Screening and Evaluation Mouse Model Platform can provide you with multiple types of tumor mouse models and other spontaneous mouse models, such as Apc KO, etc., to support new drug development. In addition to the spontaneous and other tumor mouse models available below, we are always developing new models and open to collaborative development to advance your research—contact us for a free consultation.

Product Number Product Strain Background Application
C001514 KS(inducible) C57BL/6JCya Lung Cancer Mouse Model
C001511 Apc KO C57BL/6JCya Spontaneous Intestinal Tumor Model
C001338 H11-CAG-LSL-hMYC-IRES-EGFP C57BL/6JCya Conditional Oncogene Expression Model
C001203 Trp53 KO C57BL/6JCya Tumor Research Model
C001207 Trem2 KO C57BL/6NCya Alzheimer's Disease, Cancer, and Metabolic Syndrome Research Model
C001211 F8 KO C57BL/6JCya Hemophilia A Mouse Model
C001509 F9 KO C57BL/6JCya Hemophilia B Mouse Model
C001508 Hbb-bs&Hbb-bt DKO C57BL/6JCya Beta-Thalassemia Mouse Model
C001539 Col7a1 KO C57BL/6JCya Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa (DEB)
C001564 Jak2*V617F C57BL/6JCya Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN)
I001213 Rosa26-hHRAS C57BL/6JCya Rapid In Vivo Testing of Carcinogenicity of Genotoxic and Non-Genotoxic Compounds
I001214 BALB/c;B6J-Rosa26-HRAS BALB/c;B6JCya Rapid In Vivo Testing of Carcinogenicity of Genotoxic and Non-Genotoxic Compounds
I001219 B6-F8 KO C57BL/6JCya Hemophilia A (HA)
C001409 LSL-K-ras G12C C57BL/6JCya Construct tumor models for various tissues or organs
C001339 Alb-Cre+/MYC+ C57BL/6JCya Liver Cancer Research
C001064 LSL-K-ras G12D C57BL/6NCya
Construct tumor models for various tissues or organs
Model Description
Homologous tumor transplantation model (Syngeneic)

The syngeneic model (also known as allograft mouse tumor systems) involves inoculation of tumor cell lines (derived from the same genetic background strain) which are implanted into the inbred immunocompetent mouse strain. The recipient mouse has an intact native immune system and normal immune response, and its immune system is compatible with the transplanted tumor tissue - which together maximize the simulation of the real-life tumor microenvironment. However, the transplanted mouse tissue may not fully represent the complexity of human tumors in clinical cases.

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Human cell line-derived tumor xenograft (CDX) model

The human cell line-derived tumor xenograft (CDX) model, one of the commonly used models for studying tumor cell proliferation and in vivo drug screening, involves inoculation of tumor cells (subcultured in vitro) into immunodeficient mice. Due to the long-term cell passage in vitro, they have the characteristics of high homology, easy construction, and reproducibility. However, in the process of continuous culture and passaging, tumor heterogeneity is quite different from the original tumor tissue.

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